NL Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur

Duis non velit ac eros molestie.

Duis a ipsum et quam pharetra sodales. Duis scelerisque mauris in dolor ornare, aliquam ullamcorper velit ullamcorper. Nunc nec sapien quis dolor volutpat molestie a ac tortor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum eleifend.

About Stripelight and the way we work

Stripelight was founded by three entrepreneurs with a joint mission and vision.

Two of them have a great passion for laser technology, one has the drive to turn that innovation into revolutionary and usable products and make them marketable. A few years ago, their passion for laser technology developed further into the unique LDG Laser Technology.


  • Lorem ipsum
    Vivamus finibus ante
  • Dolar sit amet
    Vivamus finibus ante
  • Vivamus finibus ante
    Vivamus finibus ante
  • Est pharetra ut
    Vivamus finibus ante

About Stripelight and the way we work

Stripelight was founded by three entrepreneurs with a joint mission and vision.

Two of them have a great passion for laser technology, one has the drive to turn that innovation into revolutionary and usable products and make them marketable. A few years ago, their passion for laser technology developed further into the unique LDG Laser Technology.
